Computer Group

Leader: Laurence

Phone: 01482 627358

The group discusses all kinds of operational questions and problems including Internet and email difficulties.  We exchange tips and useful information and we all learn from each other.  We use a laptop with digital projector for demonstration.  The ability of group members ranges from those who have just become acquainted with computers to those who have been using them for years.
The choice of content is determined by members' suggestions and needs, and topics covered have included the following: -

Windows 10, control panel and settings, keyboard shortcuts, saving and organising files and folders, interpreting computer jargon, maintenance and security, scams and how to avoid them, various browsers and search engines, downloading programs, text, photos and videos, use of Google, YouTube and similar sites, spreadsheets and word processing.
So if you want to get started, or learn a bit more about computers, or if you can make a contribution about any aspect of computing, please join us.  You can simply turn up on the day, or if you wish to discuss anything in advance call the Group Leader, Laurence on
01482 627358